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The Midlife Improvement Project - Navigating the challenges and adventures of Midlife on the way to an even better you.

Dec 27, 2018

In this Episode 027, we discuss our 24 hour trial separation from our phones and how moving forward, we can use our phones for good rather than evil. Then we dive into our lists of 19 for 2019

Dec 20, 2018

On this episode 26, Jenny and I discuss how week 2 of our digital detox went and then we discuss how mindfulness can help while breaking up with your phone. We also review how our 18 for 2018 lists went and encourage you to make a list of 19 for 2019!

Dec 13, 2018

In this episode 25, Jenny and I review the first 7 days of the break up with our phone. Then we dig into the 2nd week of the process which involves re-organizing apps and quieting notifications. I also share a tough learn that I had this week

Dec 6, 2018

In this Episode 24, we start our digital detox. Jenny and I are both addicted to our phones and it's time to make some changes to create a new relationship with this technology that is both sustainable as well as more productive.

Nov 29, 2018

In this episode 23, we continue with our challenge about relationships. Jenny and I share what happened when we practiced the 4th love language of Quality Time. We then challenge you this coming week to practice the love language of Physical Touch.